Tutors: Annick Wils, Christiane Blokken, Lieve Pollet & Veerle Meersschaut
Times: 9:30 - 12:30 hrs & 13:00 - 16:00 hrs
Do you want to make fine laces but still can't choose which one? During this one-week course you will have the opportunity to discover 5 different types of fine lace.
Work Valenciennes, Paris, Binche and Rosaline laces with your bobbins and get an introduction to designing Flanders lace.
Each day you will try something different, based around a small piece of lace. The only things you will need are satisfactory lacemaking experience, the ability to read and use a working diagram well and - last but not least - lots of appetite for tasting!
We are already looking forward to it!
11/08 - 15/8/2025