

€ 255

Tutor: Annick Wils

Tutor: Annick Wils
Dates: 16/1/24 – 6/2– 20/2– 12/3 and 9/4
Times: 9:30 -12:30 hrs & 13:00 -16:00 hrs

More information:
Rosaline (perlée) is a fine part lace. This lace is characterised by the small roses with 3 or 5 petals with openings. Rosaline lace is often finished with small needle-made pearls, hence the name Rosaline perlée.

During this series of lessons, we will:
-          Setting up and ending using bundles, which is also very typical of this lace.
-          Small roses and pearls (yes, we make them ourselves too)
-          Bean
-          Setting up and ending off a scroll
-          Small fish with or without relief

A basic knowledge of bobbin lace is necessary to enable you to follow this series of classes.   It is a plus if you have already made part lace, but certainly not necessary.

16/01/24 – 6/02– 20/02– 12/03 en 9/04/2024

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