Tutors: Martine Bruggeman & Sophie Poppe
Dates: 8/05, 15/05, 22/05 & (optional) 5/06/2025
Times: 10:00-12:00 hrs & 13:00-16:00 hrs
Martine: designs – 8/05, 15/05
Sophie: Working in lace with technical advice: 22/05 & (optional) 05/06/2025
For those who are less familiar with working contemporary lace there is the possibility of adding an extra lesson day (05/06/2025).
More information:
We are going to create lovely seasonal wreaths using a simple method and get inspiration from the typical features of each season. We'll get to work with these elements to assemble elegant lace wreaths, garlands or surprising compositions. The workshop is well structured; you do not have to be skilled at drawing at all. Dazzling lace designs guaranteed!
8/05, 15/05, 22/05