Tutor: Martine Bruggeman & Sophie Poppe
Date: 13/09, 27/09, 11/10/2025 & (optional) 18/10/2025
Times: 10:00-12:00 hrs & 13:00-16:00 hrs
Martine: interpretation and designs – 13/09, 27/09
Sophie: Sophie: Working in lace with technical advice: 11/10/2025 & (optional) 18/10/2025
For those who are less familiar with working contemporary lace there is the possibility of adding an extra lesson day (18/10/2025).
More information:
Survey of local and international trends, applied to modern art, with the necessary interpretation and beautiful imagery. Interesting views on contemporary lace. What makes a lace design exercises contemporary? Interesting design tasks accompany this.
13/09, 27/09, 11/10/2025