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The list of books can be consulted at the bottom of this page.
No. | [title] | [author] | [isbn] | [attachments] | [year] |
2309 | Vrij Klossen 12 | V.D. Wal - Liezenga | - | - | 1992 |
2310 | Vrij Klossen 10 (fotokopie) | V.D. Wal - Liezenga | - | - | 1990 |
2311 | A Floral Fantasy | Jones Grace | - | - | - |
2312 | MOTIFS eight patterns on card for cards and paperweights | Kelly Joan | - | - | - |
2313 | Vrij Klossen 8: KERSTMIS | V.D. Wal - Liezenga | - | - | 1988 |
2314 | Patronenmap 10-jarig bestaan Kantclub IDRIA vzw | - | - | - | 1991 |
2315 | Map 3 - MK Mol | Van Balen-Kwanten, Mol | - | - | - |
2316 | Dentelles Européennes | - | 4-87642-120-X | - | 1987 |
2318 | Chroniques des dentelles de Marche | Pestiaux Pierre | D/1992/2737/1 | - | 1992 |
2319 | ABC in flandrischer Spitze/in Flanders Lace/in Vlaanderse Kant | Lörh Ulrike | - | - | 1999 |
2320 | KLÖPPEL-SPITZEN Reprint nach dem Original von 1909 | von Reden Gussy | 3-7304-0351-6 | - | 1993 |
2321 | KLÖPPELARBEITEN Reprint nach dem Original von 1925 | von Reden Gussy | 3-7304-0319-2 | - | 1991 |
2322 | Les dentelles catalogue | Kraatz Anne | 2-7118-2482-9 | - | 1992 |
2323 | Limerick Lace (A Social History and Maker's Manual) | Ó Cléirigh Nellie & Rowe Veronica | 0-86140-368-1 | - | 1995 |
2324 | Flowers in Honiton Lace | Luxton Elsie & Fukuyama Yusai | 0-7134-6314-7 | - | 1992 |
2325 | A Bedfordshire Lace Collection | Underwood Barbara M | 0-903585-28-6 | - | 1995 |
2326 | Bruges Flower Lace Patterns | Sutton Edna | - | - | 1988 |
2327 | Spitzen Für Alle Tage | Lörh Ulrike | - | - | 1989 |
2328 | Antique Lace Patterns | Bradbury Frances M. | - | - | 1985 |
2329 | The Technique of Needlepoint Lace | Lovesey Nenia | 7134-1098-1 | - | 1980 |
2330 | FEMTEN BREDERE TONDERKNIPLINGER | Hansen Astrid | 87-87372-14-2 | - | 2004 |
2331 | A PROPOS PATTERNS | Abegg Margaret | 3-7272-9005-6 | - | 1978 |
2332 | The Book of Fans | Arrmstrong Nancy | 0-904681-96-3 | - | 1978 |
2333 | s Gravenmoerse Kant | - | - | - | - |
2334 | Les piquées pour tante Zéline | - | - | - | 1988 |
2335 | ENCAJES ANTIGUOS | Barón Alfredo de Henneberg | - | - | - |
2336 | 20ste Kantmarkt | Ordinaaltje | - | - | 2009 |
2337 | Ontwerpen van Flupsen Ria | Flupsen Ria | - | - | - |
2338 | Expositie "Kant met het oog op Finland" 3 nov -> 30 dec | - | - | - | - |
2339 | Kantclub IDRIA vzw | - | - | - | - |
2340 | Handwerken zonder grenzen 1/1996 | - | - | - | 1996 |
2341 | Parijse Kant patroon en technische tekening | Lievens M | - | - | - |
2342 | Parijse Kant: Ronde Turnhoutse Kant met Zwanen | Poels Gaby | - | - | - |
2343 | 3 Blütenblätter/3 Pétales/3 Petals | Burkhard Claire | - | - | 2008 |
2344 | TONDER 1989 | LOKK | - | - | 1989 |
2345 | Carrickmacross Lace From Beginner to Expert | Butler Mollie & Trubshaw Alexandra | 0-7134-6366-X | - | 1990 |
2346 | Weddings, Christenings & Anniversaries in Lace | Cook Bridget M. | 0-7134-7789-X | - | 1995 |
2347 | Schlesische Spitzen | Graff-Höfgen Gisela | 3-7689-0125-4 | - | 1974 |
2348 | LA DENTELLE A VALENCIENNES | Malotet A | 2-7348-0128-0 | - | 1983 |
2349 | New Braids and Designs in MILANESE LACE | Read Patricia and Kincaid Lucy | 0-7134-7192-1 | - | 1994 |
2350 | " L'ÉVENTAIL Miroir De La Belle Époque Exposition 24 mai-> 27 octobre 1985 | Ville de Paris: Musée de la Mode et du Costume | 2-901424-07-4 | - | 1985 |
2351 | Lierse Kant "Van Laken tot Kant" | Ceulemans Luk | D/1989/2311/1 | - | 1989 |
2352 | Knipling efter Tegning /Lacemaking by Diagram/Spitzenklöppeln nach Zeichnungen | Nyrop-Larsen Johanne | 87-7490-223-7 | - | 1982 |
2353 | Angels in Russian Tape Lace | Sonne Hanne | 87-7847- 070-6 | - | 2003 |
2354 | Dentelle de Normandie | Quinette Florence | 978-2-36009-044-0 | - | 2012 |
2355 | Geschenkideen | Urban Rosemarie | 3-89798-034-7 | - | 2001 |
2356 | Beliebte Klöppel Motive | - | 3-89798-084-3 | - | 2003 |
2357 | Handleiding tot het vervaardigen van Duchessekant | van der Meulen-Nulle L.W. | 90-6255-165-3 | - | 1983 |
2358 | Torchon 20 Patronen | Mallinckrodt Sandra | - | - | 1995 |
2359 | Stropkant I | Willems-Vleugels Rosa | - | - | - |
2360 | Cols en dentelle | Varet Colette | 975-10-305-0012-7 | - | 2015 |
2361 | Brugge4Kant | Coussement Griet | - | - | 2005 |
2362 | 7 LODÍ - Seven Ships | Proskova Iva | - | - | 1993 |
2363 | 8 STROMU - Eight trees | Proskova Iva | - | - | 1993 |
2364 | Kocici Krajky - Cat's Laces 5X | Proskova Iva | - | - | 2005 |
2365 | Cestou domu - On The Way Home | Proskova Iva | - | - | 2005 |
2366 | Náhrdelníky II - The Necklaces 4x | Proskova Iva | - | - | 2006 |
2367 | Spitzenmotive Neue Klöppelideen | Urban Rosemarie | 3-89798-068-1 | - | 2005 |
2368 | Kleine Kostbarkeiten | Urban Rosemarie | 3-89798-144-0 | - | 2005 |
2369 | KlÖPPELN - FLORALE MOTIVE | Urban Rosemarie | 978-3-89798-232-1 | - | 2008 |
2370 | HET VERHAAL VAN 15 POEZEN EN ÉÉN MUIS | Demeyere Ria | - | - | 2004 |
2371 | Gekantkloste Fuchsia's | Echternach-Wijckmans Tilly | - | - | 2003 |
2372 | Recht of Rond in Torchon | - | - | - | 1986 |
2373 | Hüte in Spitze | Mirecki Christine | - | - | 2016 |
2374 | Klöppel-Bilder | Saupe Barbara | 3-7724-0552-5 | - | 1982 |
2375 | Vlaanderse kant 1 | Staes Annick | - | - | - |
2376 | Vlaanderse kant 2 | Staes Annick | - | - | - |
2377 | Kant met een knipoogje | Wuytack Frie | 90-801949-1-3 | - | - |
2378 | Motifs pour Broderies (2me SÉRIE) | Bibliotheque DMC | - | - | - |
2379 | Kantdagen 82 (Nationale Kantdagen van 20 mei t.e.m. 31 mei 1982) | Matheus Liesje | - | - | 1982 |
2380 | Encaje de Milán | Ediciones C.Y.S. | - | - | - |
2381 | Rond Pasen (Kontaktdag Regio Limburg 30 maart 1990) | - | - | - | 1990 |
2382 | KERST | Mallinckrodt Sandra | - | - | 1992 |
2383 | La Dentelle Ténériffe | Bibliotheque DMC | - | - | - |
2384 | ALPHABETS EN COULEURS | - | - | - | - |
2385 | Teneriffa Spitzen | Bibliotheque DMC | - | - | - |
2386 | Teneriffe Lace | Kliot Kaethe and Jules | 0-91689-22-6 | - | 1986 |
2387 | The Coats Book of LACECRAFTS | Kinmond Jean | 0-7134-0784-0 | - | 1982 |
2388 | Crochet & Tatting | Croisier Helen | - | - | 1953 |
2389 | nouveau Crochet décoration 10e série | - | - | - | 1974 |
2390 | La Dentelle Duchesse | Fouriscot Mick & Parfait-Laitem Léona | 2-84167-140-2 | - | 2000 |
2391 | DUCHESSE Dentelle à fils rapportés | Le centre d'enseignement de la dentelle au fuseau | - | - | - |
2392 | Russisch gevlochten kant | Faleeva Valeria | - | - | 1983 |
2393 | The Art of Tatting | Lady Hoare | 0-7134-6035-0 | - | - |
2394 | Aller Anfang ist Spitze 4. Teil (eerste begin in kantklossen - stap voor stap) | - | 978-3-934210-87-5 | - | - |
2395 | Kalender 2009 | - | - | - | 2009 |
2396 | SPERKY | Domanjova Ivana | - | - | - |
2397 | Was alles kann in einem Ostereier sein | Proskova Iva | - | - | 2005 |
2398 | FRIVOLITÉ I | - | - | - | - |
2399 | Spitzen Pfauen | - | 3-934210-39-2 | - | - |
2400 | Opletané palickované cipky | Misik | 978-80-971867-4-6 | - | - |
2401 | Pattern Book of Renaissance Lace | Vecellio Cesare | 0-486-25828-9 | - | 1988 |
2402 | Küchen-Spitzen | Urban Rosemarie | 3-89798-105-X | - | 2004 |
2403 | The Dryad Book of Bobbin Lace | Clare Raie | 0-8521-9710-1 | - | 1987 |
2404 | Vrij Klossen 16 Kantbloemen | van de Wal-Liezenga W | - | - | 2003 |
2405 | Cantu Patronen 2 | Delescen Riet | - | - | - |
2406 | Kloskant 12 werkstukken | Die Masche | - | - | - |
2407 | Schneeberger Spitzentechnik | - | - | - | - |
2408 | Klöppeln 3 | Bellon Brigitte | 3-7724-0583-5 | - | 1982 |
2409 | 10-jarig bestaan "MARKANT" | Stichting Kantklosopleiding Etten-Leur | - | - | 1991 |